Sunday, January 11, 2009

My Student, Rosemary

One of the happiest surprises of my life happened last week. Let me catch you up to speed so you can enjoy my moment!

My Senior Year at BYU I taught 3rd grade at Timpanogos Elementary School in Provo, UT. I was an Intern, which meant I was a heavily supervised student teacher with half-teacher salary. I had my own classroom and full responsibility for the students. It was my FIRST AND LAST year teaching. Damian and I were married 2 weeks after the school year ended. We got pregnant on our honeymoon, moved to California for Law School and I "retired" to be a full time wife/mom.

I loved being a teacher, but it was the hardest job I've ever had. Even harder than being a mom, I think! I taught in a poor area and some of my students had very sad little lives. I hated that part and cried many nights knowing the things I did about them. Some were abused, some neglected, some were desperately in need of a bath and ADD/HD Medication. I've often thought of them and wondered what their lives turned out like.

One of my students, Rosemary Larkin, came from a loving, wonderful family. They had recently immigrated from Ireland. Rosemary was a bright little thing with an adorable accent and I loved her very much. I knew she'd turn out OK in life because of her excellent family and her desire to learn. She was a perky, fun, cute little girl and I've often wished I knew where she was.

In comes facebook. . . One evening I was "surfing" my younger cousin's page. My cousin grew up in Provo and was about the same age as my 3rd grade students. As I looked through her "friends" to see if I'd made "friends" with all my cousins, I found ROSEMARY LARKIN!! I hoped it was the same one from those many years ago and it WAS!! This was her response to me:

"Miss Goold, Of course I remember you! I loved your class and missed you terribly for years after you moved up north. (True story; just ask my mother.) I remember that mailbox you set up in class (we all used to hope against hope that we could deliver the mail), the class store (I'm remembering cherry flavored licorice), our Robin Hood production (I used stories from that to embarrass classmates all though high school!) and our in-class college experiment. I think that last one really was my favorite. It was the first time I really thought about college, and it really is a genius idea. You should create some sort of program to implement in elementary schools everywhere. I was so excited that I could study what I wanted (within reason)."

What a fun reunion I've had with little Miss Rosemary (even though she's 20 now, she'll always be little to me!) She has had a great life and will be enjoying her profession as an editing genius, very soon.


Kristi said...

That is neat. I bet all those kids loved you. You were so fun when you substituted in our ward as the primary chorister for months.
Thank the heavens for Facebook.

Jennie said...

What a great story. Teaching is so hard. I remember that Heather and I came to your class once during a read-a-thon. That was fun. It's amazing to me that rosemary remembers all of those things from third grade. You obviously had a huge impression on her.

Anonymous said...

How did I not know that you were an El Ed major??!! What year did you graduate? I was an El Ed department secretary for the entire four and a half years I was there! What teachers did you have? Did you ever take a class from Dr. Jacobs, or Dr. Tolman? They were two of my favorites -- oh, and of course, Brad Wilcox! He was so awesome!!

And I love Facebook. Honestly, I was a little scared to get hooked on that (did I really want to get in touch with people from high school? Would they really want to get in touch with me?) But it has been amazing finding people that I thought fell off the planet years ago!

Autumn said...

Glad I am not the only one who had missed the El Ed major thing. Makes sense though! How great that you made such an awesome impact on little Rosemary (and many more I am sure). Do you think you will ever go back to teaching? Gotta love facebook - I don't update mine worth beans, but keep it so people can find me.

Grandma Duffy said...

Facebook has helped me connect with some "old" friends, too. I NEVER thought I would "do" facebook but I have enjoyed it, too.

Kristy Swenson said...

That's awesome! Can you believe that your little student is now 20 years old! That is one of the best things about being a is so rewarding to get a note from one of your students saying how much they enjoyed you as their teacher! :)

Krystal said...

How neat. I often wonder what my 8th graders will remember about me when they are "all grown up". Teaching is definitely one of the hardest jobs, I agree.

Andrea said...

This is so neat! I still remember my third grade teacher, Mrs. France, but I wouldn't want to find her. Mr. Nesland yes (fifth grade), Mrs France NO. Did you have either of them? I love (good) teachers. I think all of the teachers at Livy's school that I know are great, we have been lucky.

utmommy said...

So glad you found her. Sounds like you made a big impression on her little life.

Nicole said...

Anyone else having Sarah blog withdrawal?