Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Rocky Oregon Coast

Over General Conference Weekend the extended Idiart family took a get-away to the Oregon Coast. We rented a beach house together and had a great time! The kids REALLY enjoyed playing in the beach. In their coats. It was warm, but not TOO warm. As you can see, the sand is gritty and grey, but the kids had fun digging and dumping.

When the tide went out in front of our house, we took our clammin'/crabbin' tools and tried to find something to eat.
We found some teeny-tiny crabs and some starfish. We had fun looking, but found no dinner.

Some of us had fun climbing the slippery seaweed strewn rocks while our mothers looked on in horror. No one was injured during the taking of these pictures. Except Sarah's feet and Christine's pride. Actually, her pride wasn't hurt until I published this photo. It was just her feet, initially. Let me explain:

When the tide was out it uncovered some caves that normally were submerged. We had to hike a little ways to get to them. The sand in front of our house didn't hurt our feet, so we were barefoot. When we hiked to the caves, the sand turned into rocks. Jagged, painful rocks that hurt to walk on. The hike back was quite excruciating and Sarah whined more than anyone thought humanly possible. Christine finally crawled home.
This adorable boy is my nephew, Noah. Judging from the size of his coat, you'd think he was playing on the beach in Valdez, Alaska! This beach did actually remind me of home, I have to say. All kinds of mussel shells all over and fine gravel instead of sand. You can't build a decent sand castle with the stuff!

And this darling girl is my neice, Elise. She always has a thin trail of drool hanging from her chin. Can you see that fine string dangling? I love the way she scrunches up her nose. She also keeps her binkey handle snuggly pushing into her nostrils. I don't know why. If I flip it down, she looks at me like I'm a baby hater and flips it back up. I love teasing the poor kid.

How I love this boy. He is so funny and cute.

And quite the poser. Check out his ballet leg impression.

Just one more shot of Benny and his Bum.

Damian took all the little cousins on a hike up a rock. Emma went too, in case her muscles were needed. Marcus, in the blue coat, is the big brother of Elise, the nasal binky girl. Mary is the big sister of Noah, the oversized coat boy.

Cute Katrina, posing for Mom.
We Idiarts really had so much fun sharing a house together. We loved making bonfires on the beach at night, we loved playing games, watching movies, and eating great food together. It was a really fun trip and we can't wait to go again!


Elaine Goold said...

Oh!!! I'm so jealous!!! I want to have all my family in a house on the beach and play games, watch movies, have bonfires and EAT yummy Idiart food!! Can I come next time? And bring all my family??? (stop groaning!!)

Cynthia said...

Ditto to your mom's comment, we would have to rent several houses tho! Your family is so sweet and I love how they always have cousins around! Cute cute cute!
♥ Aunt Cynthia

Natalie said...

I totally agree with your Mom. I want to come too and bring all my family along. Maybe in 2 years you will all go again and we can come. All of the children are totally beautiful! What a wonderful trip with wonderful memories.
love you guys.

Callie said...

I am dying laughing about Christine crawling home! Was it seriously that painful that crawling was the preferred mode of transport?! That is hilarious! Definitely a funny memory!

Leslie said...

Looks like Ben had a blast! I love big family vacations.

suzy said...

If your mom comes next time, can I too? I don't want to cook though...just eat. Ok...send me some kid shows. We got rid of our direct tv 2 years ago and all we have is pbs. So the cartoons end at some point and it's very inconvenient. I'll take whatever you have recorded. I'm sure Benny and Gwen have the same taste in television.

allison nadauld said...

The funny thing is Christine borrowed my shoes just before you left for the caves. I should have had her keep them. She just never wants to impose. But I could have walked home barefoot since I was right near the stairs! I can't wait for another trip like that and lighter jackets for my marshmallow children. Mary still talks about playing games with Sarah.

Andrea said...

It looks like you all had a blast (minus the whole sharp rock/crawling incident). It reminded me of Alaska too. I can't believe you got chicks, and painted their toenails! You crack me up.

Grandma Duffy said...

That looks like such a fun family weekend! Nice to have family you like to spend time with like that.

Krystal said...

What a fun trip! I agree with everyone else's comment that I want to come next time. :) The memories you're making are priceless!!

Aunt Val said...

That sounds like so much fun! A beach house full of fun people, what more could you ask for (besides smoother rocks :)? It does look a lot like Alaska, only warmer. I have to admit, I loved Montana, but I don’t miss the cold. Not one tiny little bit. The beautiful scenery, yes, but not the cold. And Emma, “what large muscles you have”. And Benny "does" have a cute bum and I love his ballet stance and Katrina could be in pictures. What cute kids. Your friends title, “too many to count”, sounds about right for that fun-filled week-end. I know you are a busy girl, but thank you so much for posting your cute pictures. I love them and I love all you, too.

Kristi said...

What a fun mini trip with family. You are all so lucky to have such great people as family and all live so close. Lucky ducks.