Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Compliment? Maybe?

I've been studying and taking classes to renew my CPR/AED/Lifeguarding/WSI (Water Safety Instructor) Certification to run the lake at Girl's Camp. I had all this certification as a High School Student. Lifeguarding and teaching swim lessons paid for my BYU education. I've finished all my courses and I'm all CERTIFIED. I enjoy being in the water and the book learning just fine, but the best part about training to teach swimming again is being around the kids. A 3 year old boy paid me a compliment last week.

At least, I think it was a compliment?

Our conversation went like this:

"Miss Sarah, you look just like a pretty lady I know."

"Really Henry? That's so nice, thank you! Who is it?"

"It's Alice. She's my mom's mom."

"Wait, are you saying I look like your Grandma?"

"I think Alice is my Great-Great Grandma, actually!"


suzy said...

Haha...Well he is 3, his mom could be 15...maybe her mom is only 30 and his great great could be 45. Okay...that's still not young enough. Just take it as a compliment. Three year olds only have half a brain anyway, right? I'm totally kidding...don't call DCFS.

Also...I didn't comment on this at the time, but I can't stop thinking about it. Your husband gets up at 5:30 to babysit other people's children? Why does he do this? How did this come to be? And if I move there can I be next? Except my kids don't wake up until 11 so can he come over at 1 so I can take a nap? I am just baffled that he does this. He is pretty awesome.

Elaine Goold said...

Wow, Henry's great great grandma must be some looker, huh? cause you are drop-dead gorgeous! Course you are, you look just like me!!!!! and Suzy apparently. If she looks so much like me and you are my twin, then somehow you two must look alike also. And she's funny, just like you - wow you guys must be cousins or something, huh? Okay, bye pretty lady with an awesome husband. (I bet a lot of women are going to start calling him now asking him to come to their house to watch their kids!)

Andrea said...

Maybe that great granny has discovered a really fantastic plastic surgeon?! Even if she is only 45 as in the above mentioned person (Which is true in the case of Jaron's neighbor in Sevier. She is in her 40's and her granddaughter just had a baby!) and she looks only mid 30's, I want to know her secret!
My kids get up around 7:30, so maybe your hubby could come to our house when he is done with his 5:30 sitting job, and before he has to go to his 1:00 appointment. Maybe he should give up his day job and be a "manny". Really though, I think that is awesome that he gives up valuable sleep to help people!

Jennie said...

You know, I just saw something on yahoo where more and more older women are having plastic surgery to look like their daughters. That's totally what must have happened in this case. I have an 18 year-old student whose mom is 35. And she's the third child, so all this stuff could be a possibility. Congrats on your certification! I was just looking online for lessons for my kiddos. Did my mom ever tell you about the time a 3 year-old looked up at her and said, "hi grandma." It was a long time ago. Before any of us were married. She was not happy.

Kristi said...

I got this one from a 5 year old in primary, "It looks like you are still pregnant."

I had a 1 year old child. Hmm.
I was also told my my niece that I have witch nose.

The honesty of kids is so funny sometimes.