I have a really funny, cute cousin that writes a hilareous, honest blog. This was one of her entries last week. It made me laugh so hard. I used to do the same thing.
So here is her post for your enjoyment. She has two little ones, the youngest being a spirited little boy named MAX.
"I have found that if I leave the windows open I am more patient.
I don't want my neighbors to know the real me.
And then I forget that the windows are open.
And the whole neighborhood gets to know me a little better.
But thanks Annie next door for coming over and rescuing the kids from me.
Sorry that Max cried his eyes out when you brought him home.
I think tomorrow we will leave all the doors open too..."
If you'd like to go check out her blog, click HERE. You won't be diappointed.
Parenting is SO HARD! Grandparenting is much easier. Accept that little boys compliment and enjoy "grandparenting" LOL!
Oh Sarah... you are so cute. Thanks for the shout-out. I hope no one calls DCFS on me.
Have a fun vacation. In'n'Out is the best thing in the world. Get a few extra that you can reheat over the campfire.
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