Thursday, June 18, 2009

"Farm" Life

Damian and Ben built two raised beds a month ago. Oh look, there is our deceased dog, Buddy. He liked to watch over everything. He LOVED to lay in that first bed of dirt.

It was pouring rain while the MEN were working, they were sopping wet, but don't they look so cute?

Now, look over Ben's shoulders and see the beds, full of plants!! OK, except the 1st one. I still haven't planted that one, since it was Buddy's bed. I did fill one, though! The tomatoes will be ready while I'm in Utah for a month. OH, BROTHER!!

We pick this many berries each morning and the kids love how sweet they are. YUMMY!

These were once our cute chicks. Now they are almost full grown and not so cute. They have beady eyes and make a lot of noise, attract skunks and smell horrible themselves. They do eat a lot of bugs around the place, but then they poop everywhere. Just notice how lovely their $500 home is. Now I ask you, was this investment worth it???

Today, Damian brought home 4 new chickens. A client had 60 hens and 2 roosters and the roosters were mating with them so much they were miserable. I wonder if that's where the word "Hen-pecked" comes from. These hens are missing half their back feathers from so much pecking or whatever you call that thing they do.

So . . . the client gave us 4 of his laying hens. One liked her new home with only 9 roommates rather than 61, that she laid an egg in the first hour. Ben was so proud. And he wants it for breakfast in the morning.

I just have one thing to say to you, Ben, "After you clean the coop!!


Autumn said...

Wow, look at you guys being all self reliant! Or, at least, several leaps ahead of some of us! We can't even keep the plants in our hanging baskets alive no less grow something useful. Oh well. Step one: finally buy our first home - check. Step two: graduate to a home with more space and a backyard!

Lana said...

when are you going to be in Utah? and where?
I am going to be at Val's for two weeks, the first two of July. It would be so fun if it was the same time and place!

Jennie said...

You're so ambitious! The only thing I'm good at growing is babies. Those strawberries look absolutely delicious! Good luck with the hens....

Leslie said...

We had chickens growing up...great memories. Nice grow boxes too. You guys are real country folk!

Anonymous said...

Those are some seriously AWESOME looking berries! This has been a great year for strawbs -- we get a big bowlful every day, too, but they're not all nearly that big or as pretty to look at. Still, they taste better than anything, and we made THE best freezer jam I've ever made in my life! I'll never buy store-bought again!

Brandan and Becky said...

Is the chicken poop your secret for such gorgeous strawberries? They look amazing!

Andrea said...

Your garden is awesome!! I wish my strawberries looked like that. I wish my strawberries were red. Can't wait to see you over the 4th!

Kristi said...

We had chickens when we lived in Utah. They each laid an egg a day. That is the extent of the farming we have done, although it is Spencer's fantasy to "work the land". He will be so pleased, and jealous, to see that you are using your land. Good for you guys.
Those pictures of the strawberries are making my mouth water.

Cynthia said...

Those strawberries do look pretty, pretty yummy!
Your chicks need to lay lots of eggs to pay for their board and room! ♥Aunt Cynthia

Kari said...

Yum. I want to grow my own strawberries tooooo.