Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween for Kids

I finally published the photos on my last post, if you're interested. And now. . . the children!!

Rachel and her cousin, Eliza were DEAD BRIDES. Gross. The best part was that we found some great half-inch high heels in Rachel's size at Goodwill and she has some great new shoes for church.

Katrina wouldn't dress up for school. She DID dress up for the church party, but decided not to wear the witch hat. She's quite picky. Ben isn't pictured because he wouldn't dress up for ANYTHING! I bought him a really expensive costume last year, complete with a fancy gun and tried to get him to wear it this year to no avail. He told his teacher, "Last year I didn't wear my costume and I still got candy, so I'm not wearing it this year!"

Josh designed his own costume, even making himself a shrinky-dink necklace. He was the lead drummer in the school parade. He kept the beat quite nicely for all the other drummers for the kids to march to. He's a Rasta Hippie.


allison nadauld said...

I just have to say that your camera skills are still great. I LOVE the pics of the kids. What a fun Halloween!

Elaine Goold said...

Loved seeing your cuties in their scary costumes!!! I think I have the scariest grandkids in the world!! And I mean that in more ways than one!!! (no,just kidding!)

Krystal said...

So glad that my Rachel is too little to have an opinion on whether or not she is dressing up. I guess it doesn't stay that way forever. Happy Halloween to you guys!

Krystal said...

Just had to comment again and tell you that (my) Josh thought it was HILARIOUS that Ben didn't dress up this year because he still got candy without dressing up. He laughed about it for days after reading this post. :)