Friday, April 23, 2010

All about Emma

I've written about Emma a lot lately! She's worth a million posts, at least! She's adorable. It's hard to look at that grown-up young woman and remember her as a new baby!

Today, she was being sassy in the car on the way to school (we drive a few of her friends and having them really brings out her sassy side!) We were arguing "nicely" about how she "owes" me more respect because of all the things I've done for her. She figured after 9 months of kindness (because of her 9 months in vitro), that was enough. I frankly brought up feeding her from my breast for 1 year, every 2 hours and then wiping her poopy bottom for 4 years. That pretty much stopped the argument! Mostly because she and her friends were so grossed out they just wanted to turn the stereo up. Oh, and her friends were agreeing with me. It was fun. What else have I done for her that I can I bring up tomorrow and embarrass her with?

We went to Idaho to visit my grandparents two weeks ago. My grandparents live with Marilyn, my youngest aunt (she's only 9 years older than me.) Marilyn has 6 kids that my kids ADORE! We haven't seen them for about 4 years, since Emma was 9. Marilyn's teen boys, Spencer (17) and Benson (15) knew we were bringing our 16 year old foreign exhange student, Diana, on our visit. When Benson saw Emma, he didn't recognize her and he whispered to his mom, "Wow, Diana is really BEAUTIFUL!" Then, Marilyn informed him that he was looking at his cousin, Emma!

Emma had SOOO much fun with her boy cousins. They were so good to her. They invited her to a stake youth service project, parties with their friends, their Sunday School class and spent the whole weekend we were in Idaho with Emma. She met all their friends, fell in love with a few and hopes to visit them again ASAP.

I was proud of Emma, she stepped up to the plate and treated her younger cousins just as good as her older cousins have always treated her. This is Emma with cousin, Annie Richardson and Katrina.

Emma flirted with her little cousin Alan, who is the same age as Katrina. He tried not to die of embarrassment with all her attention!

Emma has always idolized Jessica, Marilyn's oldest. Jess is competing in the Miss Idaho pageant next month and she's beautiful inside and out. She's the sweetest girl I've ever met. She spent a lot of time loving Emma, too. I'm grateful for the people that love Emma and help her feel special and important. She needs as much of that as possible, right now!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Emma is soooooooo beautiful. I can't believe she's so grown up now. I barely recognized her from the pictures.