2. How long have you been together? Married almost 13 years.
3. How long did you know each other before you started dating? We met second semester at BYU in '93. I had a crush on Damian and 2 of his best friends, on and off that year. Whoever paid me the most attention was my pick of the week. I wrote all of them on their church missions all over the world and when Damian got home in '95 we started dating. We were engaged about 6 months later and married 5 months after that!
4. Who asked who out? If you haven't heard of the "Date the States" Map, click HERE. I think I asked Damian out since he already had his Alaska sticker, but if I remember right, it was because I loved him as a brother and knew we'd have fun, but I was also hoping to make Damian's best friend jealous?? What an idiot I was. Of course, his best friend could have cared less. But Damian did write me a love letter after, click HERE if you haven't read that baby.
5. How old are each of you? We are both 34, our birthdays are 4 days apart, I'm older.
6. Whose siblings do/did you see the most? His. We live less than a mile from all of his family and I love it. It's wonderful to have so many best friends so close and I wouldn't want it any other way.
7. Do you have any children together? Five
8. What about pets? We have a Chesapeake Retriever, Buddy. Click HERE to see our mangy dog, who we love.
9. Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? See #7 . . . I am jealous sometimes of Damian's family. I make our marriage difficult for HIM sometimes. He never makes it hard for me. He is the easiest person to live with, talk to, etc. He never gets angry or frustrated.
10. Did you go to the same school? Not until college, we met at BYU
11. Are you from the same home town? No, he's from San Bruno, CA and I grew up in Valdez, AK
12. Who is the smartest? He is . . . in every way. Except I can make him do what I want with my feminine wiles . . . so who's really smarter, hu?
13. Who is the most sensitive? I cry in movies/books, but he is more sensitive to the promptings of The Holy Ghost. He is more aware of our kids needs/personalities and is a better parent because of that. He is also more patient and kind, which I think are truly sensitive attributes. So I'd say Damian is more sensitive. I'm just a crybaby.
14. Where do you eat out most as a couple? We love really fancy, expensive restaurants, since we both ADORE food. But our old standby is AppleBees, when we go cheap.
15. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? France/Spain and Mexico. Damian hasn't been to Italy to see my sister or Alaska/Hawaii, so those are places we want to go next.
16. Who has the worst temper? I think I mentioned that Damian doesn't have a temper, so that would be me. I can be a screamer to my kids. Yes, it's true. About 1-3 times a month I really let the witch out.
17. Who does the cooking? Me, but Damian is better at it. He enjoys it too. Also, my 10-year-old son, Josh cooks for us about once a week. He is now moving past boxed/frozen to actual recipes (spaghetti for one) so I'm pretty thrilled.
18. Who is more social? Me, although when he's with his family, Damian can be the life of the party.
19. Who is the neat Freak? Let's just say that any questions about who is better will be answered "Damian" and any about who has bad habits will be answered "Sarah" I am a slob and he's neat. He wipes the toilet seat after every encounter. He doesn't leave anything on the floor except his dirty socks by the bed. But that was only for the first 10 years of marriage. I complained enough about his one fault and he quit doing it. He's a saint.
20. Who is the most stubborn? I think we're equal on this one. But maybe he's a tiny bit more stubborn.
21. Who hogs the bed? I think you can guess this one. Me. Damian sleeps on his back, with his arms folded like a mummy, right on the edge of his side. When we used to have lots of babies in our bed, he slept with one leg off, since there just wasn't room for kids and my sprawl AND HIM.
22. Who wakes up earlier? Damian. In case you weren't interested in reading my talk/sermon about marriage, you missed this tidbit. . . Damian only has hobbies outside of me that he can do before I get up. He gets up to work out, play basketball with his buddies and read scriptures. He's up by 5 everyday, usually. He gets about 1.5 hours of alone time or buddy time each day this way. He also works with all his brothers/brother-in-law and dad . . . so he sees his best friends for 8 working hours a day.
24. Who has the bigger family? I do. I'm the oldest of 7 kids, he's the oldest of 4. He has 6 1st cousins. I have 51 1st cousins. Damian has 4 aunts/3 uncles. I have 17 aunts/16 uncles.
25. Do you get flowers often? No, but when I do, I appreciate them. I buy them for myself as often as I get them as gifts. Why not? It's all the same checking account and it saves him time. Plus, the point is to pretty up the house and make Momma happy, so why not do it yourself?
26. How do you spend the holidays? However I want. If I want to visit my family, we do. If I want to host a party, we do. If I want to attend other parties, we do. I am the social boss in our family. Sometimes Damian doesn't want to go along with my plan and if he presents a good enough excuse I can acquiesce. If not, back to the feminine wiles. Those sure come in handy!
27. How long did it take to get serious? Once I decided that Damian meant more to me than a brother, it took about a month. A month to get engaged I mean. I loved him as a best friend for a long time, but it took me awhile to realize it was a good thing to marry your best friend. He asked me to marry him about a week after he got home from his mission and every week for about 6 months. I wouldn't say he wore me down, I'd just say I got smart.
28. Who does the laundry? I'm working on getting the kids to sort their dirty clothes in the labeled baskets in my laundry room, but as of now, they dump their baskets from their room on the laundry room floor and I sort. I do all the washing, about 5-10 loads a week. Then I save it all up and they help me fold while we watch American Idol on our TiVo. Everyone puts all their laundry away themselves. During the commercials.
29. Who’s better with the computer? He's better, but I am good at the social computer aspect. . blogging, Facebook, keeping in touch with friends. Now that he has an iphone, I think that might change. Ok, probably not, but we can hope.
30. Who drives when you are together? He does. My driving scares him. He doesn't even like the way I pull into the garage. He always thinks I'm going to hit the wall or something. He thinks I drive too fast. And listen to the stereo too loud. I have to say . . . that's not really fair. I do drive much faster than anyone should and listen to the stereo too loud, but Damian's been in more accidents. He's totalled 2 of our cars and recently backed out of the garage, with the door down. I've never hit anything but various trash cans, rock walls and curbs. So I think he's a worse driver. Or maybe we both need to take drivers training along with Emma. I'll think about that one.
I tag any of you that want to write about this stuff. I like hearing about your hubbies. Especially you Jennie, since our husbands are long lost twins, separated by birth mothers, states, ethnicity and genetics. And you Christine. Even though our hubbies are brothers, so the only thing that separates them are some SLIGHT genetics.
Damian reminds me of my dad, who really is a saint as well. He hardly has any bad habits. Well he has one, he flosses in front of people and I think if you are going to floss (which I do not) then you should do it where no one can see.
also one time he got mad at me for a completely unjustifiable reason ( i used my hand not my napkin at the dinner table) and lost his cool. I like to remember that so I can have a hope of exaltation in comparison. I tiny hope but hope none the less.
You are a lucky girl :)
ps, I think Damian is lucky too!
I love this! So fun to get to know Damian, and you better! I might have to steal this sometime when I have time to fill it out. Thanks for sharing- he sounds like quite the catch!
I love how you always right about Damian so positively. I can tell that you two are both so happy together. Damian is a lucky man to have you, and you are a lucky woman to have him! :)
we love Applebees! I always get the blond brownie with ice cream and that caramel sauce...yum-o! THis was fun to read. Gerald folds the laundry during our tv shows and Bobby and I cuddle!!
This is cool -- I'm going to do this tag over spring break -- it's going to take me that long to compile my list, and by that time, I'll have two months of neglect (i.e. costuming!) to make up for to my wonderful, supportive husband!
Thanks for sharing these facts with us, you and Damian have always been a standard for my family to look up to, we think you just the cutest!!
Love you tons, Aunt Cynthia
Posts like these are great to read now and will be fantastic for your family history. I think of how I would love to read a similar post written by my Mom or Grandma. See, blogging is not a complete waste of time.
Ha Ha! You've pretty much written the entire blog for me. I can copy just about everything you wrote about Damian. Except that we don't eat expensive food. We splurged the other day and took the kids to a "fancy" restaurant. We went to Panera Bread. It was fancy because it didn't have a playground and we could order really big yummy cookies when we were done.
I Think #30 needs a whole blog all to itself.. it made me laugh out loud and I would love to hear... "The Rest of the Story"!! Oh and then it would be funny to hear Damiens side too :)
I agree with Nicole, we want Damian's side of the story, but maybe he doesn't really want to share it? You two are a cute couple, and this is a cute post.
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