Let's continue with my 20 Worst Habits. Just in case you didn't get enough
last week.
Or maybe you have totally lost your mind.
Alrighty then . . . to continue:
15. I have no self control when it comes to sweets and chips. If I eat one cookie, I have to eat the whole plate. Forget the mini-candy bar bags sold around Halloween. I buy them thinking I'll allot myself one tiny bar a day. Then, I eat the whole bag! I just try not to buy anything sweet. And I hardly ever bake.
14. I eat WAY TOO FAST. I finish dinner and some of my kids are still deciding if what I cooked is palatable. So we play a game . . . they take one bite, I take one bite. Remember? I have 5 kids, so you can see where some bad tasting recipes end up . . . on my BUTT.
13. I don't immunize on time. My kids are all up to date a week before they get kicked out of school. I just hate shots. Not the actual shot, or the theory behind immunizing, don't get me wrong. I just am so annoyed and bothered that I have to take time out of my life to go to the doctor. Too bad you can't immunize by email! Katrina really did ALMOST get kicked out of kindergarten, last year. And Ben had to miss his third day of
Pre-school last week to get shots. They told me he couldn't come back unless he was caught up.
12. I am pushy in one area of my life, my kids education. I request teachers every year and about 20 moms call me to ask who I'm requesting and who they should request . . . and how to do it. Sometimes I help them write the letter, word for word. Apparently, I've earned a little name for myself (it might be a swear word for some teachers!) Watch out, TEACH! If you cross me or my kids. . . you'll be on my blacklist and be messed up for life. This is on my "Worst Habit Lis" because some of the Elementary School Staff still bring up the year I got my request in late and used my husbands official Law Firm Stationary. In hindsight that was a little over the top, and they don't let me forget it!
11. My other "High Horse" is my kids moral upbringing. I am a Crazy-Media-Nazi-Mom.
The kids can't watch any shows or read books with characters that are older than them. No Harry Potter, No Twilight, and other
inappropriate books for kids under 11. This really limits the Disney Channel, even 'Zach and Cody' have girlfriends now! They can't watch PG-13 at all and many PG movies are out.
Internet use is HEAVILY monitored and they have to use my email address. They rarely go play at friends houses unless I know the parents very well and have noticed that they have similar standards. I do let them invite any friends over to our house, but I watch "NEW" kids like a HAWK!
My kids do not attend sleepovers, outside of our extended family. They can stay for "Late-
Nighters" and I come pick them up between 9 and 10pm. I am letting Emma have her first sleepover for her 12
th birthday party. Next March. She's so excited she has it all planned 7 months in advance. I think this is part of the "Worst Habit List" because my kids hate me for all the above reasons. But I don't care. Hate all you want,
Mamma ain't bending the rules.
Now friends, go forth and IMMUNIZE. And then eat a whole bag of my personal favorite: Salt and Vinegar Chips, in my honor! Until next time!