Wednesday, October 29, 2008

20 Worst Habits: PART FOUR

Welcome to the Final Installment of "My 20 Worst Habits." Did you miss the other shocking, self-revealing posts? If so, here are PART ONE, PART TWO, and PART THREE. I know you've all been waiting for the real nasty habits. Here they are. I hope you're satified with knowing my dirty secrets.

5. I'm a Pack Rat. I have saved every little scrap of art and piece of schoolwork me or my kids have ever done. I have one whole room dedicated just to scrapbooking. But now that I blog, I don't have time for it. Poor neglected stuff. If I ever die, Damian will light a big bonfire and toss the whole room in, with gleeful abandon. The guy who has hardly ANYTHING from his childhood and doesn't miss it a bit. Unfortunately, he hasn't influenced 4 of our children. Everyone, except Josh, is becoming my rival at saving JUNK and trinkets. We need help and the kids all want to call that annoying woman on CLEAN HOUSE to help me!! Luckily, they don't know how to dial long distance.

4. I hate grocery shopping as much as going to the doctor. Damian does most of it for me. You know what, hate isn't a strong enough word. I loathe and despise grocery shopping! It's a bad habit because we hardly ever have any food in the house and that rolls to #3:

3. I don't like cooking. It's the actual time it takes that bugs me. I never think about dinner until around 4pm and then it's too late to come up with anything good. My day is too busy to be bothered with planning and prep time before 4, I don't know how other women get to this chore. I know that I need to change my life style to accommodate healthy eating and joyful cooking.

I do like cooking with my son, Josh. He keeps everything from burning and doesn't let me miss ingredients in a recipe. I need to make dinner his responsibility. He can make out a shopping list, plan the cooking prep/baking times and make me a spreadsheet of how we'll implement his menu. Sort of like having a 4' personal chef, except I have to do all the knife work. And I'll get to sit back, watching a junior genius in his element.

2. I am an apparel SLOB. I take clothes off and throw them around the room like a teenager. My husband is the neatest, most orderly person in this universe and he is married to a total clothes looser. Poor, dear man. I wait until I have 5-6 loads of laundry to fold, all neatly piled in baskets along one wall of our bedroom. Then I call in "The Troops" and I manage their folding work. I really am a good manager of working children. I keep up on the washing, doing 1-2 loads first thing in the morning, but the folding comes in spurts.

1. I loose official documents. If you are related to me, you are nodding your head in exasperation right now. I am always trying to find my license and usually drive without it. There are weeks I can't spend any money because I can't find my debit card, license and/or checkbooks. I get a lot of purses as gifts, from helpful relatives. Then, I loose those. I barely found my passport in time to go to the Bahamas. And each year I have a Kindergarten kid I spend weeks finding their birth certificates/immunizations records. Finally, Damian took all those to his office, so I couldn't loose them again.

I don't loose library books, although I do rack up exorbitant fees because I'm not finished with my stack, yet! I don't loose fingernail files/clippers, or chapstick (probably because I have about 30 of each in strategic locations around the house). OK, FINE!! I've never lost a child and that's all that matters.

LASTLY, My ULTIMATE WORST HABIT is that I blog too much. I didn't want to put that on the list because I'm not ready to deal with this new obsession, just yet!


jen said...

You crack me up, I love visiting your blog! In a world of inconsistent bloggers (and I include myself in that category) you are my rock. There is always someting new to tickle my funny bone...keep blogging!

And by the way I relate to too many on your list.

Jen Le Bel

Amber said...

I also relate to too many on your list!!! We could have a laundry folding party, with my 4 baskets and the load on my couch and your five baskets, we'd make it through a great chick-flick at the very least.

I know how it is to lose important documents too! I couldn't find Cole's SS card for his new job yesterday....and I was a Haas (my maiden name)until a month ago because I miss placed our marriage license for THREE years!

Love ya Sarah! It was great seeing you at Stake Conference too!

Jennie said...

I'm just going to copy and paste your annoying habits onto my flaw list. Except I did lose a child once. But just for a couple minutes...Luckily the Walmart staff was very kind to me...

Jennie said...

I'm just going to copy and paste your annoying habits onto my flaw list. Except I did lose a child once. But just for a couple minutes...Luckily the Walmart staff was very kind to me...

Anonymous said...

Good grief, woman. Get a hold of yourself.

When Roy and I first got married, our bishop called us to teach a unique class together:

The Newlywed Cooking Class.

Yes, this was a calling. As soon as I'm done with the Roy Saga, I'm going to blog about this and give you all kinds of pointers so Josh can get a break!!

And as long as you're on the computer all day, let me also introduce you to a fun little website that can save you some money:

Renew your library books and never pay fines again!!!

Andrea said...

Finally, some bad habits that are truly bad. And I am guilty of the dinner and laundry ones. I actually like to cook when I have time, and my kitchen counters are cleared off from all of the junk that piles on them but that rarely happens. I spent one and a half hours folding last night because I hadn't done it for so long, and there is a load waiting in the dryer for me right now.

utmommy said...

You are too funny! I missed your other posts because I've been kind of slacking in the blog department. But, after reading this installment, I've got to go check out the other 3.

suzy said...

We must be related. It must be a Prince thing to be a packrat. Because my dad is the worst and I definitely inherited that one. I had a closet back home with all of my things from growing up. I left it all there when I got married because I knew Joey didn't approve. I just found out that my mom has been slowly throwing it all away. I may never talk to her again.
Anyway, one of my worst flaws is losing documents. I have to get new credit cards/license every few months. And I will go days without spending money too cause I have lost everything. It has become more of a problem since Joey isn't living with us.
Invent something to help with that. Purses and wallets obviously aren't the trick. You could make some big bucks with an invention to prevent lost documents.

Kristi said...

I have loved these installments. "Confessions of a busy mom." You've gotta know that we (your loyal blog viewers) are all impressed with the way you are able to perform your balancing act with such humor AND with a smile on your face.

Beka said...

You and I are way too similar. I could just change a few names (Josh to Jacob) and copy and paste that into my own blog. Really.

If only you could see my room right now...heaps upon heaps upon heaps of clean laundry.

Krystal said...

My clean laundry ends up in heaps on the couch waiting for me to fold it. When I take pictures of Rachel in the famiy room, sometimes you can see it in the embarrasing. Instead of folding it, I just think, maybe I can photoshop it out!! :)