Friday, February 27, 2009

Josh's Last Game

These photos are a month old, but better late than never, right? Josh loved playing Basketball and enjoyed having his dad coach his team. I wanted to put up a photo of his biggest fans (most of whom are under 3 feet tall!) Far left: Great Grandma Amatchi, Sister Katrina, Grandma Suzanne with 3 cousins (Mary, Marcus and Noah) and Aunt Allison!

This is Coach Damian with his team. Josh is number 1, so I got a great shot of his back!

Josh and his best friend, Drake had a great time playing together. I hope they'll stay with Basketball all through High School. It's really the only sport I understand and can follow.
Next up: Girl's Basketball pictures . . . of Rachel and her cousin Eliza, also coached by Damian!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Hubba Hubba Hubby Tag

1. What are your middle names? Damian Michael and Sarah Chanel

2. How long have you been together? Married almost 13 years.

3. How long did you know each other before you started dating? We met second semester at BYU in '93. I had a crush on Damian and 2 of his best friends, on and off that year. Whoever paid me the most attention was my pick of the week. I wrote all of them on their church missions all over the world and when Damian got home in '95 we started dating. We were engaged about 6 months later and married 5 months after that!

4. Who asked who out? If you haven't heard of the "Date the States" Map, click HERE. I think I asked Damian out since he already had his Alaska sticker, but if I remember right, it was because I loved him as a brother and knew we'd have fun, but I was also hoping to make Damian's best friend jealous?? What an idiot I was. Of course, his best friend could have cared less. But Damian did write me a love letter after, click HERE if you haven't read that baby.

5. How old are each of you? We are both 34, our birthdays are 4 days apart, I'm older.

6. Whose siblings do/did you see the most? His. We live less than a mile from all of his family and I love it. It's wonderful to have so many best friends so close and I wouldn't want it any other way.

7. Do you have any children together? Five

8. What about pets? We have a Chesapeake Retriever, Buddy. Click HERE to see our mangy dog, who we love.

9. Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? See #7 . . . I am jealous sometimes of Damian's family. I make our marriage difficult for HIM sometimes. He never makes it hard for me. He is the easiest person to live with, talk to, etc. He never gets angry or frustrated.

10. Did you go to the same school? Not until college, we met at BYU

11. Are you from the same home town? No, he's from San Bruno, CA and I grew up in Valdez, AK

12. Who is the smartest? He is . . . in every way. Except I can make him do what I want with my feminine wiles . . . so who's really smarter, hu?

13. Who is the most sensitive? I cry in movies/books, but he is more sensitive to the promptings of The Holy Ghost. He is more aware of our kids needs/personalities and is a better parent because of that. He is also more patient and kind, which I think are truly sensitive attributes. So I'd say Damian is more sensitive. I'm just a crybaby.

14. Where do you eat out most as a couple? We love really fancy, expensive restaurants, since we both ADORE food. But our old standby is AppleBees, when we go cheap.

15. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? France/Spain and Mexico. Damian hasn't been to Italy to see my sister or Alaska/Hawaii, so those are places we want to go next.

16. Who has the worst temper? I think I mentioned that Damian doesn't have a temper, so that would be me. I can be a screamer to my kids. Yes, it's true. About 1-3 times a month I really let the witch out.

17. Who does the cooking? Me, but Damian is better at it. He enjoys it too. Also, my 10-year-old son, Josh cooks for us about once a week. He is now moving past boxed/frozen to actual recipes (spaghetti for one) so I'm pretty thrilled.

18. Who is more social? Me, although when he's with his family, Damian can be the life of the party.

19. Who is the neat Freak? Let's just say that any questions about who is better will be answered "Damian" and any about who has bad habits will be answered "Sarah" I am a slob and he's neat. He wipes the toilet seat after every encounter. He doesn't leave anything on the floor except his dirty socks by the bed. But that was only for the first 10 years of marriage. I complained enough about his one fault and he quit doing it. He's a saint.

20. Who is the most stubborn? I think we're equal on this one. But maybe he's a tiny bit more stubborn.

21. Who hogs the bed? I think you can guess this one. Me. Damian sleeps on his back, with his arms folded like a mummy, right on the edge of his side. When we used to have lots of babies in our bed, he slept with one leg off, since there just wasn't room for kids and my sprawl AND HIM.

22. Who wakes up earlier? Damian. In case you weren't interested in reading my talk/sermon about marriage, you missed this tidbit. . . Damian only has hobbies outside of me that he can do before I get up. He gets up to work out, play basketball with his buddies and read scriptures. He's up by 5 everyday, usually. He gets about 1.5 hours of alone time or buddy time each day this way. He also works with all his brothers/brother-in-law and dad . . . so he sees his best friends for 8 working hours a day.

23. Where was your first date? I think it was that girls choice dance at BYU. This is a photo from that night. (see #4)

24. Who has the bigger family? I do. I'm the oldest of 7 kids, he's the oldest of 4. He has 6 1st cousins. I have 51 1st cousins. Damian has 4 aunts/3 uncles. I have 17 aunts/16 uncles.

25. Do you get flowers often? No, but when I do, I appreciate them. I buy them for myself as often as I get them as gifts. Why not? It's all the same checking account and it saves him time. Plus, the point is to pretty up the house and make Momma happy, so why not do it yourself?

26. How do you spend the holidays? However I want. If I want to visit my family, we do. If I want to host a party, we do. If I want to attend other parties, we do. I am the social boss in our family. Sometimes Damian doesn't want to go along with my plan and if he presents a good enough excuse I can acquiesce. If not, back to the feminine wiles. Those sure come in handy!

27. How long did it take to get serious? Once I decided that Damian meant more to me than a brother, it took about a month. A month to get engaged I mean. I loved him as a best friend for a long time, but it took me awhile to realize it was a good thing to marry your best friend. He asked me to marry him about a week after he got home from his mission and every week for about 6 months. I wouldn't say he wore me down, I'd just say I got smart.

28. Who does the laundry? I'm working on getting the kids to sort their dirty clothes in the labeled baskets in my laundry room, but as of now, they dump their baskets from their room on the laundry room floor and I sort. I do all the washing, about 5-10 loads a week. Then I save it all up and they help me fold while we watch American Idol on our TiVo. Everyone puts all their laundry away themselves. During the commercials.

29. Who’s better with the computer? He's better, but I am good at the social computer aspect. . blogging, Facebook, keeping in touch with friends. Now that he has an iphone, I think that might change. Ok, probably not, but we can hope.

30. Who drives when you are together? He does. My driving scares him. He doesn't even like the way I pull into the garage. He always thinks I'm going to hit the wall or something. He thinks I drive too fast. And listen to the stereo too loud. I have to say . . . that's not really fair. I do drive much faster than anyone should and listen to the stereo too loud, but Damian's been in more accidents. He's totalled 2 of our cars and recently backed out of the garage, with the door down. I've never hit anything but various trash cans, rock walls and curbs. So I think he's a worse driver. Or maybe we both need to take drivers training along with Emma. I'll think about that one.

I tag any of you that want to write about this stuff. I like hearing about your hubbies. Especially you Jennie, since our husbands are long lost twins, separated by birth mothers, states, ethnicity and genetics. And you Christine. Even though our hubbies are brothers, so the only thing that separates them are some SLIGHT genetics.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Service ~ Week 8

“Service to others deepens and sweetens this life while we are preparing to live in a better world. It is by serving that we learn how to serve. When we are engaged in the service of our fellowmen, not only do our deeds assist them, but we put our own problems in a fresher perspective. When we concern ourselves more with others, there is less time to be concerned with ourselves! In the midst of the miracle of serving, there is a promise of Jesus that by loosing ourselves, we find ourselves!” [See Matthew 10:39]

“Not only do we ‘find’ ourselves in terms of acknowledging divine guidance in our lives, but the more we serve our fellowmen in appropriate ways, the more substantive as we serve others – indeed, it is easier to ‘find’ ourselves because there is so much more of us to find!”
~President Spencer W. Kimball

My Sis-in-law, Christine taught the Relief Society Lesson on Sunday and I got to take care of Elise. What a joy she is. I really love that girl. I’m so glad that I can “borrow” her for a sweet baby fix occasionally. Next week she’s coming over to play while her mom goes to the cannery and does a little assignment. I’m looking forward to it!

Emma: I just accepted an assignment to be on the “Humanitarian-Aid Committee” for Girls Camp, but I can’t start until I’m 12!! Bummer! We’ll be making baby blankets/quilts so I’m looking forward to that……. This is what my mom told me to write…. I was going to put “My service is to write in this journal!” but I decided against it! I went out to dinner with Aunt Allison and Uncle Aaron and helped them with Mary and Noah.

Josh: I played a piano duet in Sacrament today with Sophie Hull. It was “Love is Spoken Here.” My service was to bring beautiful music to my ward.

Benjamin: I didn’t really want to go to Mia’s birthday party. I don’t ever go to birthday parties, except for my cousins. My mom made me go and Josh came with me. It was a Build-a-Bear Party. I didn’t even want to make the Bear or Kitty, but then I decided to make one for Katrina. She would really love a White Kitty, I thought. So Josh helped me decorate a tee shirt for the Kitty. We did a pink crown and wrote “Princess Nina.” On the back we made a beautiful, colorful butterfly. When I gave Katrina her kitty she was really happy. It felt good to do something nice for her. Even though I still didn’t have too much fun at the party. But the cupcake was good. (Sorry Callie/Mia, I hope you can forgive my rude, poor social skills boy. Maybe next year he’ll be better at parties?)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Ben's Beard/Booty Video

This is Ben, my youngest son. He'll be 5 next month. He's the most crazy/weird creative of the Idiart Kids. I can already see him being awarded "Class Clown" in my mind's eye, every year. If you have a minute to watch this video I think you'll understand why.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Eliza's Baptism

My neice Eliza was baptized last weekend. What a sweet little girl she is. And spunky. She is so fun to be around and quite entertaining. Even at her baptism she was entertaining!

She played "I am a Child of God" on her violin and she also played the closing song, for all the other grandkids to sing along with, on the piano. She is quite the performer and musician.

This is my nephew Marcus and BIN Jared (with Josh peeking from behind) Marcus looks more and more like his daddy everyday. Their eyes and smiles are identical, I tell you!

My Rachel with her two best friends. . . Jordan and Eliza. I'm so grateful for Miss Eliza. She has always been such a blessing for Rachel. She brings out the best in Rachel and has helped shape her personality into the darling girl she is today. I love you so much Eliza Boo and I am so proud that you decided to be baptized!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Service - Week 7

“Love is the essence of the gospel and the greatest of all the commandments. The Savior taught that every other commandment and prophetic teaching hangs upon it. We are happiest when our lives are connected to others through unselfish love and service.” ~Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin

I’ve never really blogged about the service I’ve been putting in at my kid’s school. I am the SMART (Start Making a Reader Today) Coordinator. I supervise 35 community volunteers that come and read with 60 different kids at the school for 15-30 min. each. The kids love the program . . . they eat up the one-on-one reading support and attention. I order all the books for the program (each child receives 1-2 books per month to take home), schedule all the classroom pull-outs, and set up my classroom each day (an afterschool group also uses the room, so I have to take down all my displays and move furniture around each day). I spend about 10-12 hours a week doing this . . . the best part is when I take time to read with kids. I enjoy that the most. I like getting to know all the nice retired folks that want to give their time in the elementary school helping children, too.

Emma: This week I helped Uncle Justin with all of the cousins at the park. After Eliza's Baptism Luncheon he and I took 10 little kids to play basketball and soccer. It was fun. I also helped my friend study on the big test that we had this week!!!

Joshua: Mom made up some chore charts for all the kids this week. I had to do things like, Make Dinner, Fold Laundry and Set the Table. Everyday I had to Practice Piano and Feed the Dog. I like Feeding Buddy the best because I love him. I did learn to make spaghetti this week, so that was cool.

Rachel: We learned a song for Eliza’s baptism called “Book of Mormon Stories.” I already knew the first verse, but I learned the last verse. We practiced a few times and then all the grandkids got up and sang it as the closing song at her baptism.

I also want to say that I had my first basketball game, even though it’s not service. Eliza and I tried to make baskets but they didn’t go in. Charlie made about 20! I had a really fun time and I can’t wait to play next week. I hope I make a basket!

Katrina: This week I helped with all the cousins at Grandma’s when Breanna was babysitting at our house and I played with Noah and Elise. (Unfortunately, I paid a babysitter and all my kids went to Grandma's to play instead! At least they were helpful?)

Benjamin: On Sunday, I went to Sunbeams because Mom put me in the wrong row at Primary. So I helped Marcus in his class. I sat by him. He is so smart in Sunbeams. He answered every question right. Our teacher, Chrystal asked us, “Who was Lemuel’s Brother?” I tried “Jesus” and “Joseph” and the answer was “Nephi” and Marcus got it right. I made Lucy happy during sacrament by making her laugh, too. (These are all cousins of Ben's)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Marriage Talk/Photos

I spoke in church last week and a few of you have asked me to publish that talk (sermon). In my faith, church members take turns speaking to the congregation, rather than having a preacher talk each week. I was asked to speak for 20 minutes on the phrase, Husbands and Wives: Love Each Other. I've included my talk and uploaded some fun dating photos of Damian and I that illustrate some of the stories I spoke about. This is my favorite photo of the two of us, taken a month before we married in May '96. OK, this was what I said in church:

Brother LeBel asked me to speak on this phrase: Husbands and Wives: Love Each Other. I told Damian that I was just going to repeat this mantra “Husbands and Wives: Love Each Other” over and over for 20 minutes. . . different accents, different languages. Then I practiced this mantra on Damian for awhile. Finally, after repeatedly hearing my chant he said, “THAT’S WHAT I’VE BEEN TRYING TO DO FOR 12 YEARS!” Hopefully it hasn’t been too hard for him. If so, honey, listen up. I’m going to give you lots of good advice to make our marriage even better.

In the Doctrine and Covenants 42:22 “Thou shalt love thy wife with all thy heart, and shalt cleave unto her and none else”

The Prophet, Spencer W. Kimball taught: “The words none else eliminate everyone and everything. The spouse then becomes preeminent in the life of the husband or wife, and neither social life nor occupational life nor political life nor any other interest nor person nor thing shall ever take precedence over the companion spouse.”

I am very blessed because Damian has always made me feel like I am his biggest interest. All his hobbies take place before I even wake up. For example, he goes to play basketball or work out in the wee hours of the morning. He also loves spending time with his brothers and family. They all chose to work together so they get their fill of each other during the work day, not in the evenings. Damian loves our children and being a father, but when 7:30 comes he initiates bedtime for the kids so he and I can have alone time every night. We selfishly guard and honor our Friday Night Date Night and let nothing stand in the way of our one-on-one time together.

I look out at all of you, my friends, and I hope my situation is NOT unique. I hope you wives are the best friend and favorite entertainment of your husbands. I love being cherished and adored and hope you have felt that. It feels really sweet to have committed to eternity spent with Damian, the person I love most in this world.

The Prophet, Joseph Smith said: “It is a time-honored adage that love begets love. Let us pour forth love—show forth our kindness unto all mankind, and the Lord will reward us with everlasting increase;
I do not dwell upon your faults, and you shall not upon mine. Charity, which is love, covereth a multitude of sins.” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 316)

When we have learned to let charity cover the faults of the companions we love, we will probably feel their love more strongly, and more often. And we will be better prepared to build enduring marriages.

In the Proclamation on the Family it states: ““Husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children.” I love how the marriage relationship is listed first, then our obligation to our children. It has been said that the most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. I know this is true. I want my girls to marry someone that treats them as well as Damian treats me. And hopefully, Josh and Ben can learn the way a wife is supposed to treat her husband from . . . Aunts Tiffany and Aunt Christine, since I’m still working on that! (Note: These gals are two of my sister-in-laws that are in my ward/congregation)

President Gordon B. Hinckley said, “I have long felt that happiness in marriage is not so much a matter of romance as it is an anxious concern for the comfort and well-being of one’s companion. That involves a willingness to overlook weaknesses and mistakes.” Damian, did you hear that? Apparently President Hinckley wants you to overlook all my weaknesses and mistakes until I can smooth them out.

How do husbands and wives show that they love each other? Not at all startling is the repeated idea that the feelings aren’t expressed in dramatic or spectacular displays. (Although we like those spectacular displays sometimes!!) Usually feelings are expressed as a result of days and years and lifetimes of quiet words and moments, sensitivity and selflessness, spiritual support—and a great deal of thoughtfulness.

The Prophet, Ezra Taft Benson said: “A husband and wife must attain righteous unity and oneness in their goals, desires, and actions.
"Marriage itself must be regarded as a sacred covenant before God. A married couple has an obligation not only to each other, but to God. He has promised blessings to those who honor that covenant.
"Husbands and wives who love each other will find that love and loyalty are reciprocated. This love will provide a nurturing atmosphere for the emotional growth of children. Family life should be a time of happiness and joy that children can look back on with fond memories and associations.
"Restraint and self-control must be ruling principles in the marriage relationship. Couples must learn to bridle their tongues as well as their passions.
"Prayer in the home and prayer with each other will strengthen your union. Gradually thoughts, aspirations, and ideas will merge into a oneness until you are seeking the same purposes and goals.
"Rely on the Lord, the teachings of the prophets, and the scriptures for guidance and help, particularly when there may be disagreements and problems.
"Spiritual growth comes by solving problems together—not by running from them. Today’s inordinate emphasis on individualism brings egotism and separation. Two individuals becoming “one flesh” is still the Lord’s standard. (See Gen. 2:24)
“The secret of a happy marriage is to serve God and each other. The goal of marriage is unity and oneness, as well as self-development. Paradoxically, the more we serve one another, the greater is our spiritual and emotional growth."

Elder Hugh Pinnock of the Seventy wrote a great talk entitled: “Making a Marriage Work.” He directed his comments to those of us that planned to dedicate an important part of our earthly lives to making our marriages succeed.

He said, “I know of nothing worthwhile in life that comes easy—and nothing in life is as valuable as a strong marriage and a secure family. I am speaking to all who want their marriage to succeed, including those who have been married more than once. My comments are not for anyone looking for simple solutions, or anyone who is satisfied merely to tolerate an uncomfortable arrangement.

Most strong marriages have been severely tested. Husbands and wives who encounter and surmount suffering, pain, misunderstanding, and temptation can enjoy a marriage that is beautiful and eternal. But I do not want us to look to the past—let us look only to today and the future.”

Elder Pinnock mentioned that most books on improving marriages aren’t helpful to people of our faith since our families are build upon heavenly concepts rather than worldly solutions. He shares 10 ideas that have helped many couples, no matter how many years they’ve been married, and he says it’s a universal fact that marriage gets better with age, so take that to heart!

The first idea is fundamental. We must bring the Savior and his teachings into our homes and hearts. To really succeed, an eternal marriage must be centered in Christ. Though directed to priesthood bearers, the principles in Doctrine and Covenants 121 apply to both husbands and wives:

“No power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the priesthood—and here are the characteristics by which power and influence can be maintained—only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned;
“By kindness, and pure knowledge, which shall greatly enlarge the soul without hypocrisy, and without guile.
“Let thy bowels also be full of charity … to the household of faith, and let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God; and the doctrine of the priesthood shall distill upon thy soul as the dews from heaven.” (D&C 121:41–42, 45)

Just as a building must have a strong foundation if it is to endure, a family needs the sure foundation of the Savior and his teachings. We are a spiritual people, believing that we are to use the Spirit in solving problems. Obviously to pray together often—at least daily and hopefully at least twice daily—will lead you to this success.

Second, don’t think that if you disagree you can’t succeed in marriage. We do need to learn to communicate and be honest when we disagree. We must tactfully express hurts and let our feelings show. We can do this without becoming angry or inconsiderate. People who keep things inside themselves and never talk about them are candidates for a variety of illnesses. And equally serious, that approach does not solve problems.

Always be open and straightforward with each other. Too often we may respond to marital tension by “being silent” or “taking a walk.” Disagreements between marriage partners merely means that they are human and that they are not yet perfect individuals. If they acknowledge their differences in a mature way, they can solve their differences without jeopardizing their relationship.

Third, never laugh at your spouse either in private or in public. Partners who laugh at their mates may think of it as good-natured humor. It is not. It is degrading and dangerous to the relationship. The one so ridiculed will be hurt deeply. To make a joke about private things a husband or wife did at home reveals either a lack of sensitivity or hidden malice and anger created by frustration or hurt feelings. Couples who respect each other do not resort to such degradation. Hopefully, all this husband teasing I'm doing from the pulpit doesn't fall into this category!

Fourth, do not smother each other with excessive restrictions. A loving wife of many years shared with Elder Pinnock one of the secrets of her beautiful marriage. She told him, “It is my duty to maintain an atmosphere in our home in which my husband can reach his full potential. And you know, he is a busy father, bishop, and businessman. In turn, he helps me reach my potential.”

With her encouragement, he was an outstanding bishop. She later served as a counselor in two auxiliary presidencies and then as president of the stake Relief Society. She had her own room where she sewed, painted, and wrote beautiful poetry. He felt comfortable in going fishing, doing some painting himself, and growing in ways that interested him. Neither of these marriage partners was being smothered by a selfish mate. Both respected the other’s need and goals.

The most fulfilling of all marriages seem to be those in which the husband and wife together let the Savior take care of their love. They are interested in each other, and yet permit each other to be free to grow and mature, to take on new challenges and to pursue new interests. Husbands and wives who fear the loss of a partner’s love weaken their relationship by holding on too tightly. A husband who thinks to himself, “I won’t let her out of my sight,” is actually expressing a fear that might push her away. Husbands and wives should allow each other freedom for personal growth and expression. When both marriage partners are able to develop their talents and interests, the marriage is less likely to suffer from boredom and narrowness.

(This photo was taken before a dance Damian asked me to at BYU.) The quality is pretty bad, but in case you can't tell, I was really tan that spring from all the skiing I'd been doing, instead of going to classes! It was after this dance that Damian wrote that cheesy note I blogged about a while back. If you want to see that, click HERE)

Fifth, Elder Pinnock counseled husbands and wives to compliment each other sincerely and often. A middle-aged wife once told me, “Somebody has to keep my husband humble. He gets to feel more important than he is.” That is a sad attitude. Every husband needs a wife who will encourage him and make him feel proud. Every wife needs a husband who honors and respects her. Encouraging each other with sincere compliments is never a sign of weakness; it is the right thing to do. Anyone who can kneel before a sacred marriage altar with a partner and exchange vows for eternity surely can see enough good in that partner to emphasize the good things about him or her when talking with others.

I love this scripture in the D & C 25:14 “Let thy soul delight in thy husband, and the glory which shall come upon him.” I love it when Damian “brags” about me and compliments me, especially in front of his family and our children. I hope I outwardly show the delight I feel in my soul for Damian and his accomplishments, enough so he knows how loves and appreciated he is!

(This photo was taken the morning after our wedding night. I'd say I was one day pregnant with our oldest for this shot, too! And no, I didn't talk about this or show any photos during my talk at church, just in case you were wondering! OK, back to my speech:)

How many of you have seen the old church movie, “Johnny Lingo, or Mahana, the 10 Cow Wife?” It illustrates this principle perfectly. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, run to the church library after Sacrament Meeting and check the video out, or you can borrow it from us, I even have the modern full length version, I love it so much! The principle is that wives and husbands tend to become the persons described in the compliments their spouses give them. They will do almost anything to act according to the compliments and encouragement of a proud wife or husband.

After Damian and I married, I asked him to give me a few reasons why he married me in the first place. I was hoping to hear that he thought I had a nice pair of legs or something, I think! The compliment I got was something totally different. Let me back up a minute. Before we married I was a 3rd grade teacher. One night, Damian came to my classroom to visit me. I was working hard on reports for Parent Teacher Conferences, late into the night. Now, you have to understand, I had procrastinated putting the info together for the parents until the night before conferences. Damian told me that my hard work that night impressed him and even though we’d barely started dating then, he knew that he wanted to marry me because I was a hard worker. I have to say, that wasn’t really the compliment that I was hoping to hear, especially since I’d obviously tricked him with my last minute efforts for Parent Teacher Conferences. I’ll tell you what though, I’ve always tried to live up to his expectation that I’m a hard worker. Every night when he pulls up, I switch on the vacuum or run to the kitchen to look busy. I don’t want to let him down.

Sixth, never resort to not speaking to each other. We are wrong to say to our spouse, “Just stay away from me. I am going through a difficult time. Let me solve my own problem. I just don’t want to be around anybody right now.” Not only is that unfair and a genuine insult, but it is stupid. What is marriage, if it is not sharing and helping each other through crises? None of the excuses we can come up with give us the moral right to shut someone out who loves us.

Keep the door to your heart open. The times when we shut others out often are the times when we need their help the most. Of course we all need times of privacy, time to think things out, to meditate and pray. We should understand and respect this need in others. However, we should never be inconsiderate or unappreciative of a concerned husband or wife who is trying to help. This is especially true when there are problems.

Seventh, say, “I’m sorry,” and really mean it. So often when we make mistakes, even innocent mistakes, damage has been done and we need to apologize. Along with learning to say, “I’m sorry,” husbands and wives must learn to say, “I forgive.” Jesus taught that to be forgiven by our Heavenly Father depends, in part, on our ability to forgive those who trespass against us. (See Mark 11:25, 26). Some of the strongest marriages of which I am aware have been between partners who could say, “I am sorry,” and who forgive each other.
In addition to saying they are sorry and really meaning it, husbands and wives must avoid talking about past disagreements and mistakes. Thousands of marriages have survived the most critical problems and have been successful only because godly sorrow (See 1 Cor. 7:10) for sin was followed by Christlike forgiveness.

Eight, never turn to a third party in time of trouble, except appropriate family members, your Bishop, or Stake President. In sensitive and inspired ways, such persons will direct you to a competent counselor if one is needed. Someone is always ready and eager to console a hurting wife or husband. And when marriage partners have no one to talk with at home, unfortunately too many seek a friend elsewhere. Elder Pinnock warns that this is the exact behavior that can begin an affair. By talking about mutual hurts with a friend we can easily transfer our loyalty and affection which can lead to adultery.

Never confide your marriage troubles to a third party, except as Elder Pinnock noted, to appropriate family members, Bishop, or Stake President; no, not even the closest friend of your own sex. He or she may be the first to tell your troubles to another. Lean on the Savior, and rely upon your bishop or stake president. This system, which the Lord has given us, is simple; but it is effective.

Ninth, retain the joy in your marriage. God intends us to find joy in life. (See 1 Ne. 8:10, 2 Ne. 2:25) Most marriages begin with joy, and those that succeed retain it. When a marriage loses its happiness, it becomes weak and vulnerable. Find a happy home, and you will find a joyful couple at the helm. Husbands and wives who no longer laugh and play together are losing their love for each other and their capacity to stay together. True love includes a joyful, almost childlike quality. In other words, have fun.

I appreciate Damian’s ability to have fun so much. Many of you that don’t know him well think he is very quiet and reserved. We met our freshman year at BYU and Damian was the most obnoxious, crazy person I’d ever met. He used to yell my name and wave at me before Tues. morning devotionals from across the Marriot Center, in front of thousands of people. Oh, he was so annoying sometimes!!

He also liked to plan elaborate dates where we’d dress up. I don’t know what it was with him and costumes. For example, once we went disco skating. Damian wore his Elvis one piece jumpsuit and colored sideburns on his face with permanent markers, speaking with an Elvis voice all night.

(Damian is on my right, in case you don't recognize him as ELVIS. One thing I DIDN'T share with the congregation was that Damian got all sweaty, skating in that polyester suit and his permanent marker sideburns/mustache dripped off his face. Poor guy. It's a wonder I kept dating him! For those of you that know Damian's family, his brother Justin was a freshman at BYU the year Damian and I dated. In the photo below Justin is the guy on the front left, with the big Kramer hair. He had an afro before his missionary service. More on that hairdo on his birthday post!)

Damian could make any situation crazy and fun and he still does. I’m sorry for all of you though. He’s mostly only fun in private, since he really enjoys that quiet, High Councilman Persona he’s created for himself.

Tenth, pray often. Adam and Eve, during a period of insecurity, compounded their brief rebellion by hiding from God’s presence. God does not hide; only man does. God was vitally involved with that first marriage, and he is just as concerned and should be just as involved in every marriage today. Ideally, husband and wife and children will kneel together in prayer. But when that is impossible, you husbands and wives be sure to pray for a strong marriage and for the happiness you deserve.

I suspect that our weaknesses and the difficulties we meet in life affect a marriage enough to make a really strong marriage impossible without God helping us. The Savior can help real marriages and help keep them healthy.

Elder Pinnock closed his address by saying, “The future depends on the present, and so we must live well today. Life passes quickly. Let us not be guilty of hoping that some day we will become happy and contented, after all of the bills are paid, after the kids are grown, or when we retire. Now is the time to enjoy the good in life—and the good always outweighs the bad. May we learn to recognize the good now and bring joy into each other’s lives.”

Another of our Prophets, David O. McKay said, “I know that a home in which unity, mutual helpfulness, and love abide is just a bit of heaven on earth.”

I am so grateful for my marriage to Damian. Being his wife is a bit of heaven on earth for sure and I love our life together. I am grateful that families can be together forever, that we will have all eternity to enjoy each other and our posterity. I am thankful that the Lord is willing to help us succeed in marriage and He blesses us, if we ask. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

OK, that's all folks, except for two more photos that I wanted to share. . .

(These were my best BYU buddies. . . I blogged about them about a year ago when I first started this blog. You can read about the Fab Five and the Three Hotties HERE.)

(This photo was taken before one of our many "How to Host a Murder" Parties. Yes, Damian has drawn a permanent marker mustache on himself again. What a goofball! We used to buy these "Murder" boxed sets with scripts. We'd cook dinner, dress up and act out these little murder parties with 3 other couples, kinda like a real life clue game. Pretty fun. We recently did one with 20 people and I blogged about it HERE. I think I should wear red lipstick more often, I look dang cute in this picture!)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Catch up

OK, nothing new to report, same old life, same old stuff.

I have had a few requests to publish my talk (sermon) on Marriage from Sunday (including all my jokes at Damian's expense) so I'll try and put that up on Friday.

Today, I'm back publishing all the service blog entries from this year. We've been recording acts of service to publish into books for the Grandparents at the end of the year. . . we're doing the service in their honor. If you're interested in that stuff, you can scroll down and read them.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Service ~ Week 6

Mosiah 2:17 ~ And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.

Sarah was asked to speak on Marriage in church this week, so I pulled a bunch of sources for her, to make her life easier. She did a great job, of course . . . using personal facts about me and our marriage to make the congregation laugh!

Sarah: I finally did my visiting teaching, with a home visit and a message to my 3 active sisters. I haven’t done that since my partner moved last spring!! I was assigned a new partner this month and she made all the appointments, so that’s been a blessing for me. I hated making appointments. We haven’t visited our less-active sister, but hope to do that soon.

Emma: I helped at Achievement Days this week. We frosted cookies for the local homeless shelter and all the younger girls needed help with that. I also babysat for Aunt Christine so she could go to the temple.

Joshua: I am the Assistant Basketball Coach for Eliza and Rachel’s team. I take half the little girls on one side of the court and dad takes the other half and we do warm-ups. I run other drills with the girls on the team, too. Uncle Justin is the real Assistant Coach, but he’s only here on the weekends, so I guess I’m filling in for him.

Rachel: Mom moved the trampoline to a NOT shady spot in the backyard. We brought out new library books and had a fruit platter. WE had a homework and reading party. Mom read us some books, but she got cold and went inside before us. Ben just tried to jump while we were working, so mom took him inside, too. I helped Katrina with her work and we had fun together.

Katrina: This week I made a new friend. Her name is MaKenna. She is really nice. And she is friends with My friend Emily. She is friends with My friend Grace, too.

Benjamin: I work the remote control for the fireplace. When I wake up, if the house is cold, I turn the remote on. I just push a button and it goes on. It’s easy. Sometimes Daddy wants me to turn it on and I can do it all by myself. I taught Grandma Suzanne how to work her remote. It's the same as ours.

Friday, February 6, 2009

New Year Blogging Resolutions

OK, I've done it. . .I've gone private and now I'll spend the next month submitting your names so I can add you to my list of readers that may never again check my blog. I know, you thought I fell off the face of the earth since I really haven't posted seriously for a month. . .but I didn't. . .

Here is my blogging plan for the New Year. I have a NEW blog my family has started in the last month. Every Monday we've each blogged about service we've done during the past week in honor of the kid's grandparents. At the end of next year, we'll publish the posts into a book for the grandparents. . . what else do you give at Christmas to people that have everything? On Mondays, my blog will incorporate the contents of my service blog. I'll post on Wed. and Fri. and leave my weekends free to catch up on YOUR blogs. Not blogging for a month has helped me realize that I probably spent 1-2 hours a day on BLOGGING. So I'm cutting back. Stay tuned to this BLOG if you want, but I won't be keeping it up daily like last year. I have too many things to do this year:

1. Watch 3.5 hours of prime-time each week (American Idol, Lost and The Office!)

2. Has anyone else been bitten by the Facebook Bug? It takes up another 2 hours a week, just accepting "friends." I have had so much fun with FB. . . finding old students of mine, being "found" by old Elementary School friends and re-connecting with cousins, HS friends and college buddies. This world really has become so small and personal, in a computer screen friendship kinda way.

3. I average about 3 movies a week with my TiVo, I'm not going to lie, usually French subtitled movies, but even though I only watch the PG/PG-13 ones, they're mostly porn, so I might stop that little addiction. I don't think France understands our rating system, or they're just nasty people. I also enjoy all the musicals and old movies on AMC. Plus, I have to read at least one book a week in the bathtub. I know, busy demands.

4. I have to become Water Safety Instructor Certified (week long course) to run the lakefront at Girls Camp this year. I also have to get a special lakefront lifeguarding endorsement for my regular lifeguarding certification and renew my CPR class which will add another weeks worth of in-water testing. I'm sure I'll whine about that when the time comes.

5. I've been working out at 5:30am 3 days a week, plus logging all my calories and cutting my proportions in half. I just don't have the energy to do much blogging with half the food in my system and my tired, sore body wishing it could die after Spin Class.

6. My last reason for slimming down my blogging is all the grief my kids give me. They really resent the Blog. I'm not sure why, maybe they didn't like all the info about them that I shared. Maybe they wanted me to bake cookies more, instead of blogging. They have become much nicer since I've given it a rest, so I'll only blog when they go to bed and then I won't tell them I'm doing it so they can stop using against me . . . and Damian hates it too. He tries to pretend he likes it, but he doesn't. I think he's jealous of the blog and all the love I give it. Or maybe he didn't like me posting my swim suit pictures so much. I've come up with a solution. You might think I'll stop posting those photos. No. I'm not inviting him to read it until he begs me. And how about this . . . anyone else who gives me a hard time will be "un-invited." Consider this your warning.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Service ~ Week 5

"For, generally speaking, the most miserable people I know are those who are obsessed with themselves; the happiest people I know are those who lose themselves in the service of others."

"I recall visiting a college campus where I heard the usual, commonplace complaining of youth: complaints about the pressures of school—as if it were a burden rather than an opportunity to partake of the knowledge of the earth—complaints about housing and about food."

"I counseled those youth that if the pressures of school were too heavy, if they felt to complain about their housing and their food, then I could suggest a cure for their problems. I suggested that they lay their books aside for a few hours, leave their rooms, and go visit someone who is old and lonely, or someone sick and discouraged. By and large, I have come to see that if we complain about life, it is because we are thinking only of ourselves."

"For many years there was a sign on the wall of a shoe repair shop I patronized. It read “I complained because I had no shoes until I saw a man who had no feet.” The most effective medicine for the sickness of self-pity is to lose ourselves in the service of others."
~Gordon B. Hinckley

Damian: I did the BYU Alumni Chapter Annual Report. I woke up really early before my trip to get it done.

Sarah: I went to the temple on Saturday and enjoyed that. This weekend, all the Idiarts/Nadaulds went to a Vranes wedding in San Fran except Suzanne, Al and myself and I've tried to help Suzanne with the kids a little. . . we've had some over to sleep, play games, go to the movies, and I've helped with the carpool situations. . . it's been fun. I don't think I could do what she's done for my own children. She's got 7 kids for 3 days and 5 of them under 4 years old!! If all my kids want to go out of town together someday and they are as prolific, I'll have to enlist my own mother to come stay! This week I also got to READ with some SMART kids (usually I'm just the supervisor) That was really fun and made me really grateful to Damian that I've been able to stay home with our kids. I'm also grateful for my teacher training, so I know how to help kids learn to read and that I know the importance of reading. It's such a shame that so many kids that come from normal families struggle with reading. I think it's mostly due to 2 working parents, or parents that don't understand the importance of education. And a lot of video games/tv watching, for sure!!

Emma: I babysat on Saturday morning so my mom could go work out and then go to the temple. I pretty much helped her and grandma all weekend with all the grandkids, too.

Joshua: This week I played with Noah and Elise to help Grandma with all the kids. It felt good to help with everyone so that Grandma can consentrate on all the other cousins.

Rachel: This week I helped Grandma by: playing with Noah, Elise, Marcus, Annie and Mary. I helped Elise and Noah by feeding them. I helped Marcus, Annie and Mary by turning on a movie and helping them take a bath. When I did those things it made me feel good inside, it felt good to help Grandma with them. Today I still feel really good about it, it makes me feel happy. I also helped Grandma make dinner and blew up balloons.

Katrina: This week I helped Grandma with taking care of the Babies and playing with all the little kids and it was really, really, really, really fun and it made me feel good and I was playing balloons with all the little kids.

Benjamin: I didn't do any service except take Marcus to nursery when he got sad in Primary. My mom told me to go make everyone's beds for service. I made EVERY BODIES!! Mom's, Dad's, Josh's, Rachel's, Benny's, Nina's, Emma's and Not Amatchi's. It was easy and I liked making them, even the big ones! I think I'm a big boy now because I can help everybody.